What we Offer
MADA business support lab provides a wide spectrum of integrated services that are dedicated to support all types and kinds of businesses and companies, whether emerging or established, micro, small or medium.
The services on offer are classified under three key pillars:
Incubation/Acceleration Services
MADA Incubator/Accelerator welcomes emerging or established businesses across all economic sectors, Following initial screening and completion of contractual procedures, the Incubator/Accelerator provides consultancy, supervision, and business counselling, access to finance and markets information services, in addition to training, event management and other dedicated services that are customized to adapt to the practical needs of each specific type of business by means of a business development plan formulated by professional consultants and experts to ensure enabling incubated businesses to jump-start, grow and arrive at success and sustainability. To benefit from the services of MADA Incubator/Accelerator, please fill out the Application Form for this service.
Access to Information and Markets
Business intelligence and participation in events, fairs and exhibitions, and conferences are among the key marketing tools and factors of success in our world today. In cooperation with partners, entities, and global institutions, MADA works to facilitate access to business intelligence and local, regional and international markets’ information, including:
- Regular information pertaining the most important commercial cooperation, export & import, and partnership opportunities
- Information on opportunities pertaining scientific cooperation and development of products/services
- Information on the key fairs & exhibitions, forums and conferences
Should you need any information about scientific or commercial networking opportunities in the local, regional or global markets, please fill out the Application Form for this service.
Access to Finance
MADA business support labs do not provide any direct financial resources to cater for the funding needs of business entrepreneurs; nevertheless, it seeks to contribute to overcoming any hurdles obstructing access to finance, as this represents one of the biggest challenges facing businesses in general, and emerging businesses in particular. Through this service, MADA aims to help entrepreneurs understand the requirements for obtaining funding from dedicated financial institutions, and the scientific and practical means to meet these requirements in a way to ensure their chances of accessing appropriate funding are increased at the various stages of the business life cycle.
Supporting Services
MADA provides a host of supporting services that complement the three afore-mentioned pillars, such as:
- A multi-level business development training program that starts with the basic skills to start your own business and ends up with possessing the needed technology to access business intelligence, in order to enable entrepreneurs to optimally manage and upgrade their businesses.
- A multi-level training program to assist business entrepreneurs to gain the needed know-how for dealing with the financial areas of projects and businesses, starting by assessing the financial feasibility of a project, and moving up to business accounts keeping, financial management, and financial planning.